Is It Really Possible to Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online?

Is It Really Possible to Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online?

Medical marijuana can be a hugely beneficial tool for many people with serious illnesses; some traditional medications can be much more potentially dangerous than trying out marijuana first. If your primary care physician doesn’t offer medical marijuana recommendations, you might be thinking about getting a medical marijuana card online. There are many steps to getting a medical marijuana card, and if you’re planning to use an online resource, there are many things to think about.

1. Your Qualifying Diagnosis

A medical marijuana recommendation requires a diagnosis that’s on the qualifying list of diagnoses for your state. If you’re getting your medical marijuana recommendation online, you’re not going to get that qualifying diagnosis from the doctor you speak to at a telehealth visit. Instead, you’re going to bring a qualifying diagnosis from your primary care physician, which the doctor will use to certify you.

2. A Medical Marijuana Recommendation From a Doctor

When you use an online medical marijuana recommendation, you’re not just paying a service to give you a statement that you can receive medical marijuana. Instead, you’re getting connected to a doctor in your state licensed to certify you and give you the medical marijuana recommendation. The service should connect you to a real doctor that you can talk to; the only difference from an in-office consultation if applicable will be that you’ll see them over a video call.

3. Your Physical Medical Marijuana Card

Oftentimes, you’ll get a temporary medical marijuana card as soon as you’re approved, which may be as few as 24 hours in some states. However, not all dispensaries accept temporary medical marijuana cards, so many people simply choose to wait to visit the dispensary until they receive their physical card in the mail. You can always call local dispensaries to see if they’ll accept a temporary card.

Medical Marijuana: How to Get a Card

4. Using an Online Medical Marijuana Resource in States That Require a Physical Appointment

While an online medical marijuana resource will typically connect you to a doctor through a telehealth appointment, allowing the doctor to make a judgement based on your primary care physician’s notes and a discussion with you, not all states allow this. Some states require that you physically visit a primary care physician to receive the recommendation. In states where a physical visit is required, an online resource can still be helpful – the service will connect you to the doctor, who you can make an appointment with directly.


It is completely possible to get a medical marijuana card online. However, you have to remember that you’re not paying for a medical marijuana guarantee – you’re paying to connect with a doctor who can talk to you and make an informed decision on whether marijuana could help you. Getting a medical marijuana card can help you manage your qualifying conditions, and you can start that process online in most states. Check to see the laws in your state and determine whether you can use an online medical marijuana resource today.